Author Topic: Team Bots don't spawn in Slayer  (Read 1014 times)

I'm trying to make a top-down campaign with three other friendly bots while killing zombies, but friendly fire from my bots stops that in its tracks. I downloaded slayer after discovering that it was compatible with bots so that I could keep them from friendly-firing me, but when I create a slayer minigame, they don't even spawn. Remember, these are the Team Bot Holes that you can download specifically for slayer. I could enable the wrench during a minigame and spawn them during it, but they don't act in accord with the minigame, as if slayer just completely overlooks them. They act like regular hole bots and friendly fire doesn't change. The only thing I noticed is that an enemy bot will only attack me if I touch it. Can someone please tell me how to incorporate bots into slayer?
Uh...please? I thought this problem would be more abundant here, but I couldn't find a help topic on it.
Also, can someone explain the path nodes?

Install the latest beta version:

Then set the "Preferred Players" in the Teams tab rather than using the Team Bot Holes. TBHs are broken.

Thanks man! Appreciate it.