Author Topic: Spritz accelerated reading software.  (Read 1723 times)

No, because the length of the word in letters has nothing to do with how long it takes to read.

Example: Thought v Insepid

you know you probably should have chosen words that are actually different letter lengths

the only issue with this is that at least for me, I don't remember what I just read just a few minutes later with this
with a book all that extra time kinda lets the content settle with you

you know you probably should have chosen words that are actually different letter lengths
I think his point was that despite being the same length they don't take the same amount of time to read

the only issue with this is that at least for me, I don't remember what I just read just a few minutes later with this
with a book all that extra time kinda lets the content settle with you

depends on the person

i for one have terrible memory when it comes to books because I sort of remember the important details but I can't actually reread it to get the other details

though I'll watch something multiple times over, just not read

I think his point was that despite being the same length they don't take the same amount of time to read

i still kind of disagree but eh