shrimpkin library

Author Topic: shrimpkin library  (Read 3528 times)

I'm at a loss of what the idea this DM is pertaining to.

Normal size players with guns VS tiny players with throwing knives (2 hit kill) and Grenades (also tons of secret tunnels and passages throughout the build)

That sounds outmatched, from an outside perspective.

Normal size players with guns VS tiny players with throwing knives (2 hit kill) and Grenades (also tons of secret tunnels and passages throughout the build)
how the hell were you even able to shot the small people?

Normal size players with guns VS tiny players with throwing knives (2 hit kill) and Grenades (also tons of secret tunnels and passages throughout the build)
how the hell were you even able to shot the small people?

Not easily.

I like it, 8/10

Use photobucket please
why that just takes longer to see pics lol     nice anyways :D
My computer sucks so much it can load them.

well im working io n balancing it also blame gicon for grenades blame me for shrimps having fortimes the helth theas bases im printer bookreturu under library and in bathroom

Nope. ciber, i read that post 14 times, and i still couldn't figure it out.

Well I'm working on balancing it, also blame Gikon for grenades, blame me for shrimps having four times the health, these bases in printer, bookreturn, under library, and in bathroom.
Fixed to be intelligible. :cookieMonster:

scorpion can i pleas hire you as my translkator

Scorpion, can I please hire you as my translator
Lol, I don't need any pay :P

You obviously do not know me.
I played on the shrimp side first, It was way too easy. I was kicking arse like no tomorrow, Then I asked to be put into the "hunters" side. I managed to kill 2. They have more health than they should considering the fact that they're tiny. The weapons were really cheap compared to what we had. The shrimps had a "secret" base in the library that had a grenade that was poorly coded so that you can one-hit kill people before the grenade even explodes. Its a pretty blatant one sided fight.
why dont you throw a nade in there "Secret Base" it will kill them all
« Last Edit: November 24, 2007, 01:11:57 PM by David »

Photobucket sucks. is the best. Just deep link your pictures though.

I really like it. It's a little better than Afghan DM I admit.

Scorpion, can I please hire you as my translator
Lol, I don't need any pay :P
i never said i was gona pay you my translator slave

what in the hell are you guys talking about?