Author Topic: Disease  (Read 12302 times)

Server is apparently down until Zapk/Subpixel finds more admins.

If they were taking applicants I would apply
I'm on daily + infection is really the only server I play on anymore. That and most of the players seem to like me, at least when I'm on their team lol

If they were taking applicants I would apply
I'm on daily + infection is really the only server I play on anymore. That and most of the players seem to like me, at least when I'm on their team lol

Couldn't you just use the Blockland forums for applications? I mean most of us here are on these forums, so..

Couldn't you just use the Blockland forums for applications? I mean most of us here are on these forums, so..
I'm just gonna post mine on here after I get my recommendations and data together
No use making a throwaway account

I would apply for admin, but i dont know how.

-link snip-
I know now, i made an account, but i cant make any topics anyways. :(
EDIT: Never mind it works now
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 07:32:15 PM by TheNoob »

Fun Fact: the coughing sound effects of the infected came from a four-year-old girl


Fun Fact: the coughing sound effects of the infected came from a four-year-old girl


Wow Zapk, where are you taping four-year-old girls??


Have one random person become a doctor or a policeman.
-- Doctors can cure one infected person, but this makes them vulnerable to infection as well. Curing would give more points than a kill (3?) If a doctor doesn't want to cure an infected, they can instead heal a teammate with the same mechanic for 50hp.
-- Policemen are given a firearm. That said, a lot of people get really upset at the slightest mention of GUN on the server, so lemme clarify before you shoot it down for unbalancing everything because it's ranged and oh no!
• They get ONE magazine, aka roughly 7 rounds
• They don't have any melee capability
• The gun is severely inaccurate, so they won't be sniping zombies from across the map (not without a whole 'lotta luck)

There have, of course, been a few lot of requests for a new map, or maybe a map cycle. Provided the server stays hosted, and players stay interested, I would be willing to host a server to work as a community on a second map. If that goes well, I would be willing to continue making maps for the server.

Fun Fact: the coughing sound effects of the infected came from a four-year-old girl


zapk confirmed to have a sick little girl locked in his house

I guess the gun that AdinX is saying could be somewhat like the "Murder" Minigame on Garry's Mod, only less accurate and doesn't 1 hit kill.

Fun Fact: the coughing sound effects of the infected came from a four-year-old girl

Oh god...


Wow Zapk, where are you taping four-year-old girls??
Think about how you just typed a message on a slate containing a series of keys, which was then processed with a small chip, encrypted, sent across the world, decrypted, and broadcasted on a digital community.

I wonder where I got it! :)