

Cold for drinking, cold for washing
Cold for drinking, warm for washing
Cold for drinking, hot for washing
Warm for drinking, cold for washing
Warm for drinking, warm for washing
Warm for drinking, hot for washing
I don't drink water

Author Topic: Do you prefer your water warm or cold  (Read 3102 times)

I love to have my windows open at night , I then cuddle into my sheets and sleep in my little warm cave borrito .

I like to drink water when it's cold, and i wash with warm water, my skin's not very resistant to hot water

what made you decide to make this topic

I both drink hot water and bathe myself in it. A hot glass of water is really refreshing on a humid summer day AND a chilly winter's night.

Yes, I wash with water near freezing and drink near-boiling water.

Yes, I wash with water near boiling and drink near-freezing water.

What kind of question is this..

What kind of question is this..
it's a forgetin normal-ass question
would you rather people ask stuff like "how do you masturbate"

it's a forgetin normal-ass question
would you rather people ask stuff like "how do you masturbate"

would you rather people ask stuff like "how do you masturbate"
I know you would B)

how do you masturbate

idk but whatever i did i'm apparently doing it wrong