Author Topic: Paintball tips?  (Read 1520 times)

Try to be efficient with your ammo.

use the paintballs for extra snake bite pics

is it gonna hurt like hell
im really nervous

is it gonna hurt like hell
im really nervous
Well, it can leave bruises, just get enough protection like 5 layers of clothing along with armour and youll be fine. Also, face protection.

Replace paintball gun with ak-47

Last I heard, you were psychic. Why don't you just make yourself never get hit.

Wear like 5 layers of clothes
ew no.
I'd rather deal with the minuscule pain than have to deal with hardcore sweating.

Don't just wildly shoot everywhere, and take as much advantage of hiding places as you possibly can.
If you need to move around do it quickly
Don't get shot, stay covered.
Stay with your team and make strategies. As others have said use suppression fire as you move. Once the round begins, immediately get your team to push hard. You will win if you don't let the other team move, and if they pin you down it is over.
Try to be efficient with your ammo.
It's funny because the first time I went paintballing, the guy who took us told me all of these things. And did none of them.

is it gonna hurt like hell
im really nervous
Only if you have negative pain tolerance.

According to my paintball experience, you feel a whole lot less shots at the face than in the rest of the body. Also, kamikazee isn't the brightest idea if you don't have anything to cover yourself with. And holding the gas pump (The little bar at the left of your marker, not the tank!) at a certain position will make it automatic. And you'll shoot those 50 balls in seconds but it may be worth it.

getting shot in the neck hurts like a motherforgetER

so yeah

don't do that

it doesn't even hurt that badly. as long as you don't get hit in the balls or in the neck, you'll be fine.

it doesn't even hurt that badly. as long as you don't get hit in the balls or in the neck, you'll be fine.
One of my handicap friends shot me at a very close range (less than 1m) and left a big black spot where the ball hit. NEVER get hit at a range below 5m. And I said to get shot in the face. I never mentioned the neck.

Just imagine you're playing CoD
everything will be fine.

One of my handicap friends shot me at a very close range (less than 1m) and left a big black spot where the ball hit. NEVER get hit at a range below 5m. And I said to get shot in the face. I never mentioned the neck.

i wasn't replying to you lol, i was saying in general. and yeah, getting shot that close is obviously gonna hurt, but in actual paintball, you usually don't get that close to the opposing team unless you're doing something wrong.

I'm used to the way hits feel by now. During summertime when my team goes I will literally play in shorts and a t shirt.

I'd rather get hit bare skin then wear layer of clothes in 90 degrees.

I wasn't doing something wrong. My friend was. loving teamkiller. That is how I learned that your best friends should be in the opposite teams.