


Author Topic: Use all prints on all bricks!  (Read 7224 times)

Use all prints on all print bricks!

Did you always hate how certain prints could only go on certain print bricks? Now you can put any print on any brick. The add-on contains both a server-sided and a client-sided part, the server-sided part allowing you to place prints on all bricks and the client-sided part spicing up the gui to fit it. If you have it enabled in your server, and someone without it joins, they will simply see all prints at once. If you join a server that doesn't have it, nothing will happen. However if both you and the server have it, it will sort the prints based on aspect ratio, and let you chose which ones to view.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to do this purely client-sided, as by default the server prevents you from setting prints of the 'wrong' aspect ratio. You can only use it in servers that have it enabled. When you load a save with 'incorrect' prints in a server without the add-on, they will appear blank as by default the loading function prevents you from loading them. You can download the add-on here.


V1 to V2
Fixed undo (ctrl z) not working.
Fixed loading bricks replacing the prints with blanks.
Now opens the 'All Prints' tab by default.

V2 to V2.1
Fixed print tab position getting reset every time the gui is opened
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 07:42:49 PM by Zeblote »

whoa whoa whoa. This is a loving great idea. I finally can make decent textured roads.

This should have been in the game by default. There was no reason to limit the prints.

This should have been in the game by default. There was no reason to limit the prints.
Yep. It's probably because prints of a wrong aspect ratio get slightly stretched (oh no!)

I agree this really should be a default feature.

Sadly it most likely won't  :panda:

I just found my one true love

Omg It perfect for my house or possible road!

Thanks for this :)

Edit: Saved a test build and then loaded it, it loaded as a blank print instead.
Also undoing doesn't work well either :(

Another edit: Forgot to mention, I only tested this with a single brick and I was in single player mode.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 09:59:23 PM by dargereldren »

Edit: Saved a test build and then loaded it, it loaded as a blank print instead.
Also undoing doesn't work well either :(
I'll fix it when I get home from school