Author Topic: How Do You Think The World Will End?  (Read 5929 times)

This is a question that many of us have many answers and opinions to.
I personally believe that we will die from the Super volcano in Yellowstone, but I want to hear what you think.

(by world I mean living things)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 05:17:31 PM by bejacks »

the world will not end even if we all cease to exist

or the sun exploding
maybe like an asteroid
But that's not even close to happening  

That supervalcano in Yellowstone exploding again.

Radiated water.
Good loving job china, You doomed us all by putting a loving nuclear reactor REALLY close to the ocean.

the world will not end even if we all cease to exist
The word "World" actually just means the society of all living beings on Earth.

"Earth" just means the Earth as a whole.

ok maybe it does

« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 04:18:38 PM by Anybody »

no it doesnt
World doesn't mean every star ever known to man, it means
The word "World" actually just means the society of all living beings on Earth.

the world will not end even if we all cease to exist

Yes it will.

the finnish word has a much broader definition