Author Topic: PM privileges removed?  (Read 4534 times)

at least he doesnt stick around and be a punching bag like you

Gentlemen, we have a mystery to crack behind Pacha and Nal backing each other up
Pacha - acha = P
Nal - N = al
P + al = Pal
Pal => Pals

Gentlemen, the real mystery is solved

well they are real life friends

well they are rl friends
I've known him before I've used the name nal
and that was like, years ago

Gentlemen, we have a mystery to crack behind Pacha and Nal backing each other up
Pacha - acha = P
Nal - N = al
P + al = Pal
Pal => Pals

Gentlemen, the real mystery is solved

blue cacti is just acting like one of those kindergarten kids who gets worked up because someone told the teacher that he called them a bad name

im not even siding with nal cause he's my friend, im siding with him cause he was in the right here lol. it seems like maroons so used to being the punch line to a fat joke and taking insults from us, that when someone reacts to an insult normally he's surprised

yeah well that isn't really harassing?
It was from another topic because I said "Hi Tom" and then you started posting those unfunny stock images
well, you see, the problem here is that you got mad because i made fun of you for being a furry. if i had said anything else you wouldn't have gotten butthurt but since i made fun of you and your special snowflake mental disability you got all mad and reported me.

and of course everyone on this forum is going to side with you and call me an starfish or make fun of you because they think you're just "the coolest dude ever" when really you're a sad sack of stuff whose only friend in RL is pacha and you're so talentless that you just piggyback on everything your online friends create/do

momentum literally told me how when he makes those stuffty dubstep songs as jokes you make him screen share and tell him how to make the song. even on that one stupid loving server i went on i saw momentum was painstakingly building some really nice subway station and you were sitting off to the side basically saying "im helping."

and of course no one will even believe any of this because everyone loves you and just because im loving friends with lando and i make stuffty youtube videos where i get mad because i think its funny no one ever sides with me on anything.

so forget you nal.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 02:59:06 AM by Renderman »

and there goes maroon

no actually i'll back you up on the piggyback statements, because those are true. it's true that a lot of the stuff nal does he just kinda sidesteps in and hopes for some credit

you going on a total rampage over this (and bringing up irrelevant things), however, is stupid. get banned
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 02:58:22 AM by /Pacha »

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 02:58:46 AM by Renderman »

i sense someone getting banned soon're a sad sack of stuff whose only friend in RL is pacha and you're so talentless that you just piggyback on everything your online friends create/do...
forget you
Yeah, have a good ban.