Author Topic: so much snow  (Read 1535 times)

guys help

my part of canada is getting buried

It's been snowing 2 feet every weekend for about 5 weeks now

it's supposed to be spring...

help pls :( theres almost 12 feet of snow out my door help

it's still snowing


Gotta love climate change.

It snowed a few days ago here too. I was kinda mad because spring should be here already :(

Gotta love climate change.

Climate change is a real bitch

That's what ya damn new brunskies get.

but over here in Ontario the snows been starting to melt so I think warm weather is coming soon here =D

We had no snow this winter

So today was the first day it rained here in going on 5 months.

I want snow. :C Temperature here drops to -8°C but it's arid. Only in 2007 we had snow. :c

i saw a news report from nova scotia and the reporters got blown away
it was on a tv in the STORE

is no one worried aboot the mooses eh?

you're in the maritimes friend

this always happens. every year

you're in the maritimes friend

this always happens. every year
it hasn't happened since 2008 ;-;


it's still snowing heavily