Author Topic: Blockland window disappearing after alt+tab.  (Read 973 times)

I'm playing blockland on my laptop now, and sometimes when I use alt+tab to go out of blockland (I use fullscreen obviously) the game window just disappears. The consle thing stays, however.

Anyone know the command to recreate the game window / a way to stop it from going away?

use the windows key, but it is kinda laggy.

use the windows key, but it is kinda laggy.
So far it didn't happen, I'm exiting with windows-d for now and it seems to be working. Very weird glitch.

I personally use custom resolution mod set to 1920x1079 on border less, this giving the illusion of fullsceen, but I can still alt tab easily. I know this doesn't answer your question, but it can be useful to avoid having this happen.