
Should I add increased BLID gathering abilities to Support_Updater and make a public, searchable list of BLIDs and names?

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8 (19%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Support_Updater  (Read 56481 times)

Support_Updater v0.11.1

Introducing a simple, easy-to-use update system for Blockland mods... Clients will be notified of updates when running either the Blockland client or the Blockland dedicated server.

Every add-on requires a file called "version.txt". This file contains a version number and the URL of a repository. Support_Updater will check the repository on startup to look for a newer version. When a new version is found, the user will be notified and will be able to download the new file.

Also includes support for change logs using special TML formatting.

Support_Updater Usage Documentation
(or you can find it in the README file included with Support_Updater)

It's really that easy! Just remember that your users need to have Support_Updater installed. I recommend making it a required add-on.

Execute this file in your add-on's client.cs to automatically download Support_Updater for your users. http://mods.greek2me.us/storage/Support_Updater/Support_UpdaterDownload.cs

No website? No problem!
If you don't own a website, you can still use Support_Updater. You'll need a free account on either Bitbucket or Github.

Bitbucket Instructions
Create a public repository called "yourBitbucketUserName.bitbuck et.org" and simply add your repository.txt and *.zip files to it. It can then be accessed at http://yourBitbucketUserName.bitbucket.org.

Github Instructions
Create a public repository called "yourGithubUserName.github.io" and simply add your repository.txt and *.zip files to it. It can then be accessed at http://yourGithubUserName.github.io.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 08:05:03 PM by Greek2me »

I hope this will be default

So by simply planting a version.txt like that into my add-ons I can trick people using this into downloading fake updates that are actually different add-ons?

I can see it now.
  • Discretely added code to delete all client files before warning gets out

How about don't download sketchy add-ons??

So by simply planting a version.txt like that into my add-ons I can trick people using this into downloading fake updates that are actually different add-ons?

You could download stuff anyway.

This does not allow you to download new add-ons, only update existing ones of yours that have a version.txt file. The version file is only effective for the add-on it's in - only that .zip file will be written to.

This is interesting. I may incorporate this into my currently released mods.

Question: What do you mean by CLRF endings? Does this mean normal newline characters don't work? Or is this just referring to the log files?

Also, are channels restricted to specific things? Like, could we name two different channels for different versions of the mod even though they are both 'release'?

Sorry for so many questions, but I think you'll need to specify a lot more if you want modders to start using this.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 08:20:33 PM by Pecon »

You should allow for add-on thumbnails used for the update list. Would be pretty cool.

This is rather interesting to see going on here. I could really use this.

This is interesting. I may incorporate this into my currently released mods.

Question: What do you mean by CLRF endings? Does this mean normal newline characters don't work? Or is this just referring to the log files?

Also, are channels restricted to specific things? Like, could we name two different channels for different versions of the mod even though they are both 'release'?

Sorry for so many questions, but I think you'll need to specify a lot more if you want modders to start using this.

CRLF line endings are \r\n (Windows style), rather than \n (Unix style). This is required because \r\n is the HTTP standard, and just using \n will probably give strange results.

You can name channels whatever you want.

I'll create a more formal documentation later.

Oh my god, I love you so much have all of my yes


I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here, or would this work?


I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here, or would this work?

Yep, that should work! Somehow the text doesn't show up in Firefox, though.

My repository is simply a text file without the .txt extension. I'm guessing yours is the same?

edit: Just tested it for you. It works, but it looks like you aren't using the correct line endings. This causes the file to be cut off before it's completely downloaded. If you're using Notepad++, go to "Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Windows Format".
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 12:53:22 AM by Greek2me »