
 Even if no more problems with the home-hosting happen, would you pay $4.00/month if HammerHost was still run at home?

Yes, home hosting will stabilize and become more reliable
No, I feel comfortable only with a remote dedicated server

Author Topic: HammerHost dedicated hosting service :: Clients, get your files  (Read 52475 times)

I would love it if you gave your slot to somebody who is more active and actually uses their slot more.
Relevant: I finally finished up my King of the Hill server! It should be opening tomorrow.

it would be cool if the addon could keep a record of all players and show some stats in the control panel, like "unique visitors" "total visitors", and "longest play time"

here's a concept image

something like this
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 05:36:56 AM by Crispy_ »

Unfortunately, I don't think it is easy to collect those statistics, and they're not very useful. I believe graphs of player count, CPU usage, and RAM usage are more helpful.

Unfortunately, I don't think it is easy to collect those statistics, and they're not very useful. I believe graphs of player count, CPU usage, and RAM usage are more helpful.

Yes I agree this would be better

Yes I agree this would be better
Unfortunately I can guarantee that the statistics feature will not be added until July. My proprietary method for Steam authentication appears to work, but only under a Linux host OS, so my main task for the rest of this month is stress-testing the method and making a control panel for Steam users.

Are you trying to create a hosting service?
No, not got much time to do it if I was to create one.

Are there still any more slots?

If there are i would like to sign up.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 11:47:36 AM by firecro12345 »

If you currently run a popular BL server, I can give you a slot.

Ehhh... Ok. Reason why i needed a server hosting because If i host a server it will slow down our network.

And Also comcast suck.

Featured Comment:
Does this bring memories?  :nes:

What i am trying to host is Fort Wars. It was popular back in the days when i used to host. :D

Does this bring memories?  :nes:
No, this certainly does not bring any memories.

What i am trying to host is Fort Wars. It was popular back in the days when i used to host. :D
When did you use to host?

I used to host before Comcast became a total dooch bag.

Comcast internet used to be unlimited now they changed with limited internet and hosting servers uses alot of usage.

I used to host in like 2012 to 2013.

Email me if you need to.

Featured quote/Comments:
Sesame street: We're a bunch of stupid cigarettes pieces of stuff made by someone without a life.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 01:18:58 PM by firecro12345 »

Sorry but I cannot give you a slot right now, unless you can prove your server is popular. I suggest lowering the packet rate and packet size for the server and try to host it again.

Update released
• Ugly gradient buttons remove on web site
• Size of body text on web site reduced (titles and headings are unchanged)
• System_HammerHost add-on will be auto-injected every time you start up the BL server
• More clear "could not listen to the chat" and "count not connect for eval" error messages

Clients: Restart your Blockland server as soon as possible.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 04:00:38 PM by Hammereditor5 »

Ok. I will.
What's your upload speed? PM me a Speedtest and I will recommend a packet rate and packet size for you.