
What hand/hands do you use the most?

Left hand
19 (22.9%)
Right Hand
54 (65.1%)
10 (12%)

Total Members Voted: 83

Author Topic: Are you left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous?  (Read 1677 times)

I'm left handed. Also believe it or not, only ~10% of the world are left handed.

naturally left-handed, taught right-handed

It seems like a poll would be a thing to put here. Right handed.

~10% of the world are left handed.
Yeah, whenever it was I heard most people learned to use their right hand.

But OT: I am right handed.

Left handed for writing/drawing/whatever; right for mouse.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 04:43:31 PM by dargereldren »

Right handed, I generally have pretty good reflexes and am good at catching stuff, but when it comes to my left hand it's about as useful as a jellybean.
A black jellybean.
(the worst kind)

Even though I am right handed, left hand is superior at foosball.