Author Topic: [VIDEO] crown's prison escape  (Read 1227 times)

not a jail rp. really more like a jail murder simulator

the building is too small and the server has flaws but they're way less glaring then other jails and jail-likes

for one, freekilling is way rarer, but still possible

mlg pro jail escapist

that grenade throw tho
jesus it scared the stuff out of me
i was afk doing some other stuff and suddenly loud explosion sdfsdfsddsf

what a great way to end the round

i'm honestly surprised that you didn't get lit up when you killed that guard with the dog hat and when you got to the grenade box

I was the guy afk sitting in the cafeteria table the whole round.

Would any of you have suggestions for a new jail?

This jail is long overdue for an upgrade because it was built by me 2-3 years ago. The current one I have in mind has a little more of a logical layout including civilian, inmate and guard sections. There will be a lot more detail and Crown has considered removing hidden weapons to allow for more strategic gameplay. More information regarding the gameplay will be available later but right now I want suggestions for the build.

Bushido has already made the suggestion to increase the jail's overall size.

and also get rid of the dumb escape channel

the instant any prisoner gets out of the jail, count that as a win for the prisoners. guards who leave the prison similarly count as deserters and Self Delete

Yes new jail, and instant win upon escape out of jail. Don't make a huge jail though. I like how this one is small in a way, but tezuni's is too big to me.

As for structures related to inmates escaping; there will be no walls but rather a double layer of fencing that has a few guard towers. This fence will be a considerable walk from the jail and inmates will have no form of cover along the way. Guards will be able to access the jail roof and guard towers but not walk across the fencing.

I have to discuss some new alternatives to the gameplay with Crown that will allow the insta-win escape without making it a race for the finish line.