Author Topic: My Island  (Read 1143 times)

I made this so I can show you if you think it is good.

Looks good, but could use some more work.

Looks good, just needs the land to continue under water.
Your build is simple, simplicity is beautiful-Khain

actual island is kinda subpar but i like the blue base part.


I think, too squared and little a bit spammy, needs a lot of work, 2/10
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 04:05:10 PM by Halmet »

It's good, but a little boxy, it could use some work on the structure and landscaping.

- Turrets must be lighter than air because literally NOTHING is supporting them
- Razor wire isn't blue I don't care who you are, that's not a thing, fences also aren't blue. That's not "interesting," it's stupid
- Islands aren't perfect octagons
- You used an ELEVATOR DOOR on your hallway? Seriously? It's not even lifting you, pick a better door.
- Both the door on your tower and your base are stupid, ESPECIALLY when they're in operation. The door will lift up, and suddenly be levitating either inside your tower roof, or in your chain link fence.
- Blue is an accent, not a primary color. You will never ever ever find a good looking military base with a bright primary color: no yellow, blue or pink.
- You have buildings on stilts. That isn't how architecture works. Your building would rock around and collapse into the sea. If ONE of those toothpicks got hit by anything, there goes 40% of your base, because all of the weight in that room would topple it.
+ at least it's not ALL a box
+ at least it's not ALL one color
+ at least you TRIED?
+ at least you tried to vary the structure of it

if you think it is good.