Author Topic: Dumb Blockland Names You Used  (Read 5503 times)

"The Big Wang", and "Dingus"



so you use the name "Bolt the thunderhog" without regret
Didn't regret anything,really. And I know Bolt the thunderhog is a silly name,but I choosed it. I got no problems with it.

Ducky duck

Blocky man

Lil ol dude

loving Dack

Ballistic Cloud

Bill Cipher

eseehC retsiM

None of the BELOW

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 07:11:46 PM by Ducky duck »

don't ask, it was a test

i think i tried to copy someone, i think his name was FloppyDisk

If you wanted to copy him, you would have used the name "Diskette".

My first name was Blokko, got it when I was a little kid
Then there was a whole ton of stuff I forgot
Then it was Rainbow Dash
Then it was Fluttershy
Yes I regret those two last names, I'm not a brony anymore and I regret being one at a point.

I think my worst blockland name was, "Master Heef"

My brother made our original name Master Chief 00221, or something absurd, and my argument was that our name needed to be more interesting and different.


I changed my name to "Gypsum" once but other than that it's always been Ravencroft. I'd change it, but I like when people give me free admin just for joining the server.f
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 11:25:48 PM by #Ravencroft »

ZombieDude and ParachuteGuy12