Author Topic: New Weapon: Taser  (Read 10582 times)

  As suggested, I have created a Tazer, just for fun. If you see anything you don't think should be there / wanna criticize, go ahead, just don't go overboard. Onto the actual post!


Taze your friends! Taze your enemies! Taze YOURSELF*!

Special weighted projectiles knocks the target over!
High-power compressed air shoots out with enough power to stun an elephant!

Automatic Installation / Uninstallation to your Blockland Folder!

An uninstall icon is pasted to the desktop should you need it!

*Disclaimer: Don't actually taze yourself. That's really just stupid, dude.
Code stolen / borrowed / whatever you wanna call it from Aloshi. Credits to him!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 09:35:50 AM by Bushido »

« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 03:52:49 AM by chaseyqurt »

First, don't quote the entire post.

Second, no. That would be ridiculously cheap.

Sorry , why wold that be cheap ?

this is cool i dled it


  • No item icon
  • Gives console spam
  • Unused functions lying around
  • Looks like it was just yanked out of some perfectly operational mod

  • No item icon
  • Gives console spam
  • Unused functions lying around
  • Looks like it was just yanked out of some perfectly operational mod
Awesome model. Poor coding. Come on, fix it up, Bushi!

Does it work in Cops & Robbers?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 04:00:27 PM by WRB852 »

It does, WR.

Ephi, like I said, the code is stolen / borrowed / whatever you wanna call it from Alo. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have posted it without asking him.

tazerers for everyone!
(make it stop killing blockland)

I shall TAZER people who bother me...especially BUSHIDO lol jk  :cookieMonster:

Is it Flat-Shaded?  ( I don't know what flatshading is D'X )

Looks Really Good.
It also looks like this: