Author Topic: [Hatmod] Jake's hats [update page 4]  (Read 33865 times)

I will be updating this thread whenever I make new hats.
51 hats and counting


This hatpack requires (by Boodals and Jake) to be in your add-ons folder.
Put Hatmod_Jake inside your add-ons folder as well. (you don't have to activate hatpacks as they are automatically loaded by Server_HatMod)


Hatmod_Jake 51 HATS

Get the hatmod HERE


If you want to support me please feel free to send donations to the following Paypal adress:
I added this because making mods takes time, I would never charge people for downloading my add-ons, though donations would be very much appreciated.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 11:07:39 AM by JakeBlade »

banana hat + banana playertype + that weird banana juice thing marble man made + banana peel item from novelty items

banana hat + banana playertype + that weird banana juice thing marble man made + banana peel item from novelty items
banananana dm
Someone do that

would OP mind providing a link to hatmod

would OP mind providing a link to hatmod
was failed because of inefficiency, iirc.

I suppose I can PM to people who want it.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 10:28:20 PM by gr8dayseth »

Wait will that get me banned?
I've heard somewhere that posting things like this normally won't but I'm paranoid.
But at the same time I want to help people

Just PM me
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 10:28:43 PM by gr8dayseth »

banana hat + banana playertype + that weird banana juice thing marble man made + banana peel item from novelty items
xD, i'm using the Banana Hat+Banana Player in my server.

was failed because of inefficiency, iirc.
I suppose I can PM to people who want it.
would OP mind providing a link to hatmod
Isn't this pack used by this Hatmod?

This hat pack uses my Hatmod, which hasnt been failed. Its been pushed off the first page due to that spammer. Here. cowboy hat?!?!?!?!

Oh I was hoping this would include the military helmet models you've made :c Oh well, they are still nice.