DragonBlade: spamming like a professional handicap

Author Topic: DragonBlade: spamming like a professional handicap  (Read 1724 times)

sooooo i joined "R@NDOM's Sky Jumping!" aaaaand first thing i noticed was that the host had a custom chat mod
aaaand like custom chat mods usually do, they don't block the whole chat <formatting> thing
and of course, a moron decides to abuse this fact for stuffs n giggles! yay!

rather cringey, too
also the host's kinda dumb for even having that chat mod

praise dragonblade, one true king of chat

more pics, also Tills seems to have joined the spam! wonderful!!! /s

PSA: don't use custom chat mods. unless they're actually coded properly

Oh god this seems like on of those idiots who like to do stupid things for fun.


he was also being a complete handicap on Zix's earlier, but I failed to get his BL_ID

what a stuffty chatmod
the majority of them shouldnt even exist

compresor is DEAD??

he died in a demolition incident while tearing down the last supports of kids bedroom

Played fort wars with him a couple of days ago, he wasn't nearly as bad as this

Still, /support

Is this that chat mod that has no flood limit and has no sanitization?

Why does the host even have that?

Is this that chat mod that has no flood limit and has no sanitization?

Why does the host even have that?
Might be some old mod when he was playing around with it (or her)

I hope it is...

Is this that chat mod that has no flood limit and has no sanitization?

Why does the host even have that?
From the looks of it, it seems to be Zha0's chat mod. He made it a long time ago when I used to play on his servers. It was very broken and looked a lot like the one in the OP.

You mean there are people who are payed a salary to act like someone with a mental disorder?

Who thought such an add-on was a good idea?