Author Topic: If you were God, what would you do?  (Read 2688 times)

kill more people because of overpopulation

It's hilarious how you act sweet and innocent yet you post stuff like this.


Sleep for 39 years and then I'll find someone who was for-told to be stronger than me and fight them.

make death impossible
That's a really bad idea.  The Earth would not be able to support itself in only a few years.  Would cause mass chaos.

OT:  Do as God does.  No other alternative.

I would go back in time to the prehistoric times and live as a caveman.

Make a book that claims to have proof of me and never actually appear or have any real proof that I exist and have people worship me anyway.


13.8 billion years of uptime is too long

Replace all the glass in sliding doors with Syran Wrap.

Replace all the glass in sliding doors with Syran Wrap.
You evil forget.

Create a black hole with this mass:
2.37 x (10^9999999999999^99999999999999^99999999999) grams.
And then insert into the center of the universe. With it's gigantic mass, the black hole would suck every single piddling iota of matter up in a nanosecond.

id create life then sit and watch them evolve and question their existance

id create life then sit and watch them evolve and question their existance
bender it up

I would greatly enjoy being able to watch time pass, just to see what happens.