Author Topic: Need a new colorset  (Read 1148 times)

Thanks for telling the colorsets that is great to work with, I guess the type of colorset I'm looking for has a wide variety of colors to choose from without being so limited of colors.

Thanks for telling the colorsets that is great to work with, I guess the type of colorset I'm looking for has a wide variety of colors to choose from without being so limited of colors.
what kind of colors though

and while i'm posting i'll leave my colorset here

this colorset is good for people that like faded colors (better off for people that don't care about colored trans too)

i'm getting the feeling that you desire colored trans and colors like trueno's standards to be involved due to the "wide variety" thing

The kind of colors I may be needing is light colors and dark colors of any sort, especially browns, black, whites and greys.

Use jirues Awesome colorset or Awesome colorset - faded.
theyre both super great with a awesome range of colors. I personally use faded.

inb4charlespostshisowncolorse t



Charles Luxurious for fades and Rainy Day or whatever its called
otherwise just use trueno's.

spo colorset is best colorset

my colorset

love me


You can try this one I made
It's pretty average. Just the same couple colors in several shades.