Author Topic: сука is kill  (Read 1729 times)

idk why but this doesn't seem like something I thought putin would do
The idea is that badmouthing the leadership or criticizing the Russian government will be considered profane language. It's a textbook move straight out of dictatorship 101.

let's send Samuel Jackson as an ambassador

noob country your mother forgets.

Ha ha, forget that.
At this point I think Putin is just bored.

waiting for Cybertails
H e l l a

anyway I googled it and apparently it's real, BUT the "things this law affects" list doesn't include the internet. nor does it include Dota 2 chat.

H e l l a

anyway I googled it and apparently it's real, BUT the "things this law affects" list doesn't include the internet. nor does it include Dota 2 chat.

But i'm sure it'll effect someone that says "forget Putin"

badmouthing leaders in most countries isn't very good

"cussing" is an actual term?

I thought it was a thing that idiots said instead of "cursing".

Anyways, only reason why Russia is a super power is because it spent all of its pokemon cards on a massive army and used it to claim craptons of land it doesn't need or use.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 03:26:17 PM by Tonkka² »

bitch is kill?
ya, putin killed сука. You cant use it anymore