Author Topic: Saints Row IV DUBSTEP GUN  (Read 13370 times)

This is the new reason why I don't like this.
okay are you stupid? if you don't want people shooting you while your building restrict item spawning on non admins or just dont enable weapons at all

Tested, it does not have projectile explosion impulse, and does not damage bricks.
No idea about the homing though.

FINALLY A GOOD ONE (the other one i had just hold the clicking then let go then repeat)

okay are you stupid? if you don't want people shooting you while your building restrict item spawning on non admins or just dont enable weapons at all, I'm not stupid...
And wasn't talking about my server..., I'm not stupid...
And wasn't talking about my server...
contact the server admins if people are bothering you with it. i don't see why you need to throw stuff at the maker instead.

Get over it, I'm pretty sure he hates most things anyway

So, is this ever going to get an RTB pref for server music or even just variants?

contact the server admins if people are bothering you with it. i don't see why you need to throw stuff at the maker instead.

Uh... Im not throwing stuff at the maker?
I just said I don't like the gun.

And besides, contact the admin host about what? That somebody is using an item that annoys me on their server? They won't and did not do anything.

I'm not saying the maker is a bad person, I'm not saying its a bad addon, I'm saying I would rather not.
Why is it every time I say anything unfavorable about anything it instantly turns into "Your such a jerk you don't like this, you must hate everything."
I like plenty of things, but when I say something good about something, nobody notices. You guys only point out when I don't like something.
Stop twisting my opinion.

Uh... Im not throwing stuff at the maker?
I just said I don't like the gun.

And besides, contact the admin host about what? That somebody is using an item that annoys me on their server? They won't and did not do anything.

I'm not saying the maker is a bad person, I'm not saying its a bad addon, I'm saying I would rather not.
Why is it every time I say anything unfavorable about anything it instantly turns into "Your such a jerk you don't like this, you must hate everything."
I like plenty of things, but when I say something good about something, nobody notices. You guys only point out when I don't like something.
Stop twisting my opinion.
wow u fukin hate critisim u litl prik y u always so negativ

Uh... Im not throwing stuff at the maker?
I just said I don't like the gun.

And besides, contact the admin host about what? That somebody is using an item that annoys me on their server? They won't and did not do anything.

I'm not saying the maker is a bad person, I'm not saying its a bad addon, I'm saying I would rather not.
Why is it every time I say anything unfavorable about anything it instantly turns into "Your such a jerk you don't like this, you must hate everything."
I like plenty of things, but when I say something good about something, nobody notices. You guys only point out when I don't like something.
Stop twisting my opinion.

Do you want people going 'WOW thanks mister nobody for that sincere and most helpful, positive opinion of yours! You truly are amazing, and now i will send 50 bucks to your house along with a free run with a ladie who claims to not have came from the corner of my street!' ?

Cuz that is what the opposite of what you are getting now. Besides, this topic is derailed to the max even without Snaked Snake, so let's just talk about the bloody gun.