Author Topic: RIP EA Servers  (Read 2572 times)

Wait wait wait, shutting down the loving C&C franchise? What the forget! I care more about that than anything else on the list.

Hopefully these games get fan reboots in the future.

Tetris for feature phones

How do you shut down the servers for a Tetris remake? What?

How do you shut down the servers for a Tetris remake? What?

RIP a lot of games it seems.
Shutting down 1942, Battlefield 2, and 2142, and also Crysis 1 and 2.

Less issue about some of these cus the older games have Lan support :B

1942 doesn't need those awful EA hosted servers anyway

Guys, they have to take em down sometime. It's simply not possible to keep them up forever. EA wants to do it as much as you guys do; developers pour their heart and soul into it, and EA knows it will make the customers unhappy. But it just had to be done.
Red Alert 3 is still fairly new. You would be qq'ing right if BF3 and BF4 servers were going to be shut down. Many of these games still have significant communities that keep the game going with mods. Pretty much all future titles will have no Lan gaming, no mods, more dlc. Milk dry, kill the server, make a new sequel.

CNC generals :(

god i'm going to miss BF2

Red Alert 3 is still fairly new. You would be qq'ing right if BF3 and BF4 servers were going to be shut down. Many of these games still have significant communities that keep the game going with mods. Pretty much all future titles will have no Lan gaming, no mods, more dlc. Milk dry, kill the server, make a new sequel.
i just want to point out that in this case, EA didn't decide to close the servers. If ya'll read this you'd know it's because of Gamespy shutting down. I wouldn't worry about big games like BF2, either EA will actually figure out a workaround *pffft*, or there'll be a community made solution. The smaller games are prob. fer sure dead tho.

edit: technically this is ziff davis media's fault. go beat up IGN.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 05:45:44 PM by The Magical Dunes »

noooo battlefront II

noooo battlefront II
god i'm going to miss BF2
noooo battlefront II I will miss you :(
so many battlefront lol
who wants to make a tuungle server or something and we can all like battle each other

Why did they put battlefield 1942 out for free and then close down the internet services
what the forget that's not cool, plus i liked the crysis 2 multiplayer, and plus battlefield 2 multiplayer.

can't wait for those stuff DLCs

Why did they put battlefield 1942 out for free and then close down the internet services
what the forget that's not cool
they didn't know.