Author Topic: What kind of add ons take up most datablocks?  (Read 1486 times)

Large ones.

haha jk.

Probably either weapons or bricks.

Weapons usually have several sound resources that go with each weapon.  And each of those sound resources has its own datablock.  Plus they usually come in large packs.

Bricks usually just come in large quantities. Plus some bricks, such as door bricks, take multiple datablocks.  1 for each door position.

Vehicles are also worth mentioning since they can have custom sounds and such, but they rarely come with 12 variants in a pack.

Weapons. They contain an image, a tool, a projectile, several emitters, and several sounds. I'd say a weapon usually as at least 5 datablocks, and that's a minimum. Surprisingly, colors are also pretty taxing, with like 3 datablocks per color.

I think you mean 7 datablocks per color.

It depends.

I think weapons can be the most, but then there are vehicles and bricks and other mods that use datablocks.

How many datablocks does the game have total?

Weapon packs, colorsets and gamemodes.

Script_, Server_, Gamemode_, and System_ add-ons often take up no datablocks because they are pure scripts.

How many datablocks does the game have total?
448 are used by a 64 color colorset, 441 by a 63 colorset. 252 are used by the default colorset.
I forget how many are used by default (not default add-ons).

Weapons have no set amount, they're a combination of datablocks working together: an item (what drops on the ground), the image (what you hold in your hand)  projectiles, emitters, and sounds, etc, the last three of which could be several unique datablocks created just for that weapon, or reuse previously made datablocks.

448 are used by a 64 color colorset, 441 by a 63 colorset. 252 are used by the default colorset.
I forget how many are used by default (not default add-ons).
4096 is the maximum limit*
In case that wasn't clear to him

The game uses 421 for all the non-addon, non-paint, non-music stuff.
Colorsets use 7 per color. (2 particles, 2 emitters, an explosion, a projectile, and an image)
Music uses 1 datablock per song.
As for add-ons:
Emitters will use 2 for each emitter.
Lights will use 1 for each light.
Sounds will use 1 for each sound.
Bricks will use 1 for each brick.
JVS content bricks can use anywhere between 2 and 8. Though I'm sure all of them have like 5 or 6.
Prints use 0.
Can't quite tell for vehicles because most of them tend to re-use jeep's datablocks, and the jeep and gravity rocket executed with the tank for a combined total of 43. I'm sure a non-default add-ons probably do not reuse other datablocks, so it's safe to assume that all turreted (non-bot) vehicles use about 40. Non-turreted vehicles probably use about 20-30.
A weapon can be as simple as 8 (unless it reuses other datablocks, or lacks emitters), and as complicated as 16. (or more)

So let's say we'll have 5 vehicles and 20 weapons, with one of those overrated 64 color colorsets.


Now with the default emitters, lights, sounds, music, items, emotes, bricks, and projectiles.


So I'm not sure how you can even reach the datablock limit while using a reasonable amount of add-ons. You'd have to be downloading and enabling an abundance (more than you can actually think of using) in order to reach the limit.

Of course, things like TDM and zombies were not included in this calculation, but I'm sure they don't add about 3k datablocks themselves.

Script_, Server_, Gamemode_, and System_ add-ons often take up no datablocks because they tend to be pure scripts.
Any of these could have uses for datablocks. I've made gamemodes with datablocks defined in them, usually playertypes
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 04:45:37 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

I usually get up to 3.5k. When I make a server, I pretty much know that I'll get distracted and do something completely different then I meant, so I enable a lot of vehicles and weapons that could be useful, but aren't immediately.

It should also be noted that all client add-ons take 0 datablocks.

Any of these could have uses for datablocks. I've made gamemodes with datablocks defined in them, usually playertypes
Script_, Server_, Gamemode_, and System_ add-ons often take up no datablocks