Author Topic: make a copy of the player avatar with ObjectView.mountObject()  (Read 2073 times)

I was going to post this on the original thread, but the topic was too old. This is to help people make a copy of their player avatar in a gui. I basically took iBan's code and rewrote it for my own gui because I didn't understand how it was supposed to work. I know its probably not really needed, but it probably won't hurt to have this code up somewhere. if anyone can explain        a bit for me and if i'm doing everything really wrong let me know

code to make the avatar panel in your .gui
Code: [Select]
     new GuiObjectView(MetroGuiStats_Avatar) {
         profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
         horizSizing = "right";
         vertSizing = "bottom";
         position = "0 0";
         extent = "185 320";
         minExtent = "8 2";
         visible = "1";
         cameraZRot = "0";
         forceFOV = "0";
         lightDirection = "-0.57735 0.57735 0.77735";
         lightColor = "0.600000 0.580000 0.500000 1.000000";
         ambientColor = "0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 1.000000";
code to populate the avatar (run from a client.cs)
first it clears your object then goes through your prefs to add nodes to the object
Code: [Select]
function clientcmdUpdate_Avatar()

//clears then adds the avatar object walking
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject = "fffObject";
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setObject(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "base/data/shapes/player/m.dts", "", 0);
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setSequence(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, 0, "headup", 0);
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setSequence(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, 1, "run", 0.85);
//hide all nodes
%nodeCount = 0;
%node[%nodeCount++] = "helmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pointyHelmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "flareHelmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "scoutHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "copHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "knitHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "bicorn";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "Visor";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "plume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "triPlume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "septPlume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "chest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "femchest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pants";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "armor";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "bucket";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "cape";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pack";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "quiver";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "tank";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epaulets";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankA";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankB";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankC";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankD";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "ShoulderPads";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "LArm";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LHand";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LHook";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RArm";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RHand";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RHook";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "pants";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LShoe";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RShoe";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "SkirtTrimLeft";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "SkirtTrimRight";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LSki";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RSki";
for(%i = 1; %i <= %nodeCount; %i++)
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.hideNode(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, %node[%i]);

MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setIflFrame(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "face", getIflFrame("face", $Pref::Avatar::FaceName));
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setIflFrame(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "decal", getIflFrame("decal", $Pref::Avatar::DecalName));

%nodeCount = 0;
%node[%nodeCount++] = "headSkin" TAB $Pref::Avatar::headColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::Chest == 0)
%chest = "chest";
} else {
%chest = "femchest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %chest TAB $pref::Avatar::TorsoColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LArm == 0)
%lArm = "LArm";
} else {
%lArm = "LArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %lArm TAB $Pref::Avatar::lArmColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RArm == 0)
%rArm = "RArm";
} else {
%rArm = "RArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %rArm TAB $Pref::Avatar::rArmColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LHand == 0)
%LHand = "LHand";
} else {
%LHand = "LHook";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %LHand TAB $Pref::Avatar::lHandColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RHand == 0)
%RHand = "RHand";
} else {
%RHand = "RHook";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %RHand TAB $Pref::Avatar::rHandColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::Hip == 0)
%hip = "pants";
} else {
%hip = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %hip TAB $Pref::Avatar::hipColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LLeg == 0)
%LLeg = "LShoe";
} else {
%LLeg = "LPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %LLeg TAB $Pref::Avatar::lLegColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RLeg == 0)
%RLeg = "RShoe";
} else {
%RLeg  = "RPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %RLeg TAB $Pref::Avatar::rLegColor;
case 1:
%hat = "helmet";
%accent = "Visor";
case 2:
%hat = "pointyHelmet";
case 3:
%hat = "flareHelmet";
case 4:
%hat = "scoutHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
case 5:
%hat = "bicorn";
case 6:
%hat = "copHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
case 7:
%hat = "knitHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
if(%hat !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %hat TAB $pref::Avatar::HatColor;
if(%accent !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %accent TAB $pref::Avatar::AccentColor;

case 1:
%pack = "armor";
case 2:
%pack = "bucket";
case 3:
%pack = "cape";
case 4:
%pack = "pack";
case 5:
%pack = "quiver";
case 6:
%pack = "tank";
if(%pack !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %pack TAB $pref::Avatar::PackColor;

case 1:
%twopack = "epaulets";
case 2:
%twopack = "epauletsRankA";
case 3:
%twopack = "epauletsRankB";
case 4:
%twopack = "epauletsRankC";
case 5:
%twopack = "epauletsRankD";
case 6:
%twopack = "ShoulderPads";

if(%twopack !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %twopack TAB $pref::Avatar::SecondPackColor;
//populate nodes
for(%i = 1; %i <= %nodeCount; %i++)
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.unHideNode(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, getField(%node[%i], 0));
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setNodeColor(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, getField(%node[%i], 0), getField(%node[%i], 1));


function getAccent(%accent)
case 1:
return "plume";
case 2:
return "triPlume";
case 3:
return "septPlume";
return 0;

function getIflFrame(%node, %name)
%file = "base/data/shapes/player/" @ %node @ ".ifl";

%name = stripTrailingSpaces(fileBase(%name));

if(%name !$= "")
%fo = new FileObject() {};

%hasFound = false;
%lineNum = 0;

%line = %fo.readLine();
%thisDecal = stripTrailingSpaces(fileBase(%line));

if(%thisDecal $= %name)
%hasFound = true;


return %lineNum;
return 0;
return 0;
echo("\c2getIflFrame(\"" @ %node @ "\", \"" @ %name @ "\") : You did not supply a proper IFL file name to read from.");
return 0;

First question: does it work?

yup, its working in my gui, this is a development version here. to see it in action, press m once in a server, and click on the stats button.

-Just realized that I was being rude. Sorry.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 05:23:03 PM by Ninjaman 4 »

You have got to be kidding me. This only works because you copied someone else's work. All you did was replace the names of the GuiObjectView. Pathetic.
did you even read the rest of the OP or
because he literally explains this in the third sentence:
I basically took iBan's code and rewrote it for my own gui because I didn't understand how it was supposed to work.

You have got to be kidding me. This only works because you copied someone else's work. All you did was replace the names of the GuiObjectView. Pathetic.
Would you kindly get out of coding help?

For hideNode you can do "ALL".

I've always wondered how this works, thanks.