Author Topic: emo freak  (Read 12673 times)

Touch him touch him don't be shy!
I see snake
I would like to see your snake
ty bb where are those underwear pics at ;)
Nah mang I respect you and your body even if I want to lick every square inch of it.
sweet jesus

im wet
so wet
we need to see that far down

for science
please be my pillow <3
furdle pls
1 night
I wish ecks would let me shove my homoloveuality in his face
What say you and I blow that money and each other ;)
I imagine your beard would tickle us both ;)
I'll send you some richard pics if you want ;) and some undie pics too
I want to sit on his face
Unf dat scruff. Dem eyes. Dat face. THAT BEARD. Unf. I feel like im sitting in a swimming pool.
move camera slightly to the right
unzip pants
let it all hang out
send me pic kthxbye
I could be on your body for the rest of your life c;

dat beard tho~

fine, you can kiss me ;)

let me touch it

Aweh I was gonna have you try your new whip out on me :(

Its not so bad, because now you can try me out in your new whip

:D its a still a win

i get that you're homoloveual, and that you like flirting with the other guys in the real life pictures topic, but seriously shut the forget up. every page is you commenting on some neckbeards rooster or wanting a smooch from some dolt with abs. i'm fine with your homoloveuality, but it's gotten to the point where I can look through the topic and see you making gross remarks on nearly every page. honestly, around 97% of us here are not homoloveual, and I'm not singling you out, but none of us really want to hear or see your lust for ecks, furdle, reficul, or any others

i bet he's got more chins than chinatown

i think you're overreacting

It's not that he's a homo, it's that he's a perverted freak that just won't shut up.
*advertises user blocker*

i think you're overreacting
Do you want me to quote that pic of him in his underwear again?

Cause I'll do it.

people who feel that their most important characteristic is being gay are not very interesting people

around 97% of us here are not homoloveual

you had a dream recently? lol.

Oh well. His posts about his richardloving bullstuff are blocked by a user script, I can't stand it. Yes, he takes it everywhere.

it's seriously not that big of a deal. there is something called, ignoring it? or do you have no self control?
if you don't want to see him doing it then get a user blocking script. it's not that hard. he isnt affecting you in any way.

it's seriously not that big of a deal. there is something called, ignoring it? or do you have no self control?
if you don't want to see him doing it then get a user blocking script. it's not that hard. he isnt affecting you in any way.

You can say that about every drama'd user on the forum.

not at all

I support this topic 100%.

i think you're overreacting
eeeg i have to do the ogre jokeee

i think you're overreacting
he's been doing it for over a year now, he needs to loving shut the hell up

it's seriously not that big of a deal. there is something called, ignoring it? or do you have no self control?
if you don't want to see him doing it then get a user blocking script. it's not that hard. he isnt affecting you in any way.
Good job dismissing the topic.

eeeg i have to do the ogre jokeee
people still make that joke?
and //.../supportz or whatever the forget you bimbos do