Author Topic: Shadow Screenshots  (Read 4825 times)

Create a screenshot or post one you already have where a shadow(s) is the main focus of it. It can be created from anything, from a movie scene to a spaceship build, however it's shadow(s) must be the obvious point.

Example I created from the infamous Clockwork Orange scene:

« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 04:06:16 PM by {L} »

might post some soon

Just a few, the first two are of my DayZ server and the last one is some landscape I made just for show.

There aren't even any shadows in the last one.

There aren't even any shadows in the last one.
Shadow/Shader Screenshots. Even though he states it should be shadows, i think the sun is the most noticeable thing in the last one.

Yeah, I don't think most people are understanding what this thread is about, which is my fault because I added 'shader' into the title. The main focus of the picture literally has to be the shadow, most of you just took a picture of a build with shaders on. The person who has done best so far was Twerky, this doesn't mean the picture can't have any bricks in it or anything like that though.

but i can't run shadows

Excuse the mess on the left, it's the wall giltching out.

Okay so imagine the Mona Lisa, as soon as you'd view that portrait your eyes would latch onto the main point of the picture; the woman. You probably wouldn't even bother to take a look at the background, now the point of this thread is that the shadows or lighting is the Mona Lisa. In your picture there is way too much going on with the build and rainbow filter for me even be able to care about the shadows.

Okay so imagine the Mona Lisa, as soon as you'd view that portrait your eyes would latch onto the main point of the picture; the woman. You probably wouldn't even bother to take a look at the background, now the point of this thread is that the shadows or lighting is the Mona Lisa. In your picture there is way too much going on with the build and rainbow filter for me even be able to care about the shadows.

oops I didn't notice you changed the topic's title