Author Topic: Notorious Criminal - whoops forgot his name  (Read 3654 times)

Yes, I forgot his name.
Yes, this might be useless.
But, if he spams in the same way he did on my server on your server, we can identify him
I was starting up one of the servers I have been making for over a year, and then some guy joined
I don't have picture proof or remember his name, it was morning at the time and I was sleepy.
He spawned and made this huge tower of red bricks then made all of their emitters emit one of the laggiest ones for example rocket explosion, vehicle debris trails, etc
and duped them all over the map. I had to shut down the server, and I actually haven't started the same server back up again due to the spammer
but I did ban him and clear his bricks
but somehow his towers stayed up and kept lagging
I wish I remembered his name or ID

Start up the server and check the banlist???

I had to shut down the server, and I actually haven't started the same server back up again due to the spammer
why haven't you started the server back up? you've banned him and cleared his bricks

"ok guys im making a drama on this guy i forgot his name but watch out for him ok glad to help"

"ok guys im making a drama on this guy i forgot his name but watch out for him ok glad to help"
"and i banned him but i dont want to start up my server to check the banlist so you can all get his information kthxbye"

mysterious name arg

Notorious Criminal is now banned from my server. Thanks

Can't really be notorious if we don't know his name...

Notorious Criminal is now banned from my server. Thanks

you sure

Guys, guys
When I ban people and add them to my banlist and my banlist gets
"decently" big
I unban everybody because I expect they have learnt their lesson
so no I can't check my banlist

Guys, guys
When I ban people and add them to my banlist and my banlist gets
"decently" big
I unban everybody because I expect they have learnt their lesson
so no I can't check my banlist
Basically saying
You're too lazy to look?

Guys, guys
When I ban people and add them to my banlist and my banlist gets
"decently" big
I unban everybody because I expect they have learnt their lesson
so no I can't check my banlist

I don't care who I ban.

Its the internet trust no one.

I don't give out warnings anymore.

Basically saying
You're too lazy to look?
did you even read the quote?
he's saying he cleared the ban list so he can't look at it if he tried

I don't care who I ban.

Its the internet trust no one.

I don't give out warnings anymore.

I don't give out warnings
because I forget to