Author Topic: [OVER]Blockland on Steam's 'Community Choice' vote thingy (80%-off)  (Read 5383 times)

gogogo vote 4 alts

TL;DR: We won the vote, stuffload of players came, and the sale is over for now gg
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 10:03:57 AM by SgtDaemon »

To be fair, it's probably going to be really close; We're up against Hotline Miami and Meatboy. We've got Dark Souls and Beat Hazard, but still, it can end up really close.

If the discount applies on the Blockland website, that'd be great, if only because I have somebody who could use a copy, but I don't want to tell them they won't be able to multi-client because of Steam.

oh stuff better load up on alts

This is awsome

so you can stock up on alts share the game with your friends!

2 dollar alts what the hell

badspots just handing these out like cheap cigars


so I can buy an alt or sell this game or give it to a friend of mine who really wants it.  and for the poor people

I might buy a alt and gift it to my alt steam account.

I don't know what I'd do with an alt though.

We've got Battlefront II so we're golden.

I don't know how to vote

I have $9 left and plenty more alts than I need