Author Topic: Client_NewtonCamera — Port's Newtonian Camera Movement  (Read 13424 times)

Only 22 seconds into the video, and I already know its great.

now we need some mod that can tilt the camera

Amnesia RPs?
it's called client_newtoncamera for a reason you know

it's called client_newtoncamera for a reason you know
holy stuff stop being so hostile.

Wow, thats a lot of keybinds!

jesus ive been looking for thisssssssss

it's called client_newtoncamera for a reason you know

Who says you can't just ask people to use it on your server?

using carpets was such an unreliable and clunky method

thank you so much

thank god, i was afraid i actually had to learn how to fly the carpet

Now to get someone to do this for all of port's awesome unfinished crap

This is really amazing.

needs support with the arrow keys

needs support with the arrow keys

You mean keyboard turning? I'll look into it in a bit.

I took a look at the code, and I found that the point of %mass was only to divide by %force. Doesn't that make it completely pointless, because you could just alter %force instead? Code in question:

Code: [Select]
%vx += (ServerConnection.cameraBufferX * %force / %mass) * %drag * %delta;
%vy += (ServerConnection.cameraBufferY * %force / %mass) * %drag * %delta;
Code: [Select]
%vx -= %vx * %drag * %delta;
%vy -= %vy * %drag * %delta;

Seems to me that it would be more efficient and more flexible (force and drag are independent) to just do this:
Code: [Select]
%vx += ServerConnection.cameraBufferX * %force;
%vy += (ServerConnection.cameraBufferY * %force;
Code: [Select]
%vx -= %vx * %drag * %delta;
%vy -= %vy * %drag * %delta;

The useless %mass variable is deleted, and because drag is not involved in the equation for force, it's a little more flexible, too.