Author Topic: Tezuni's prison escape  (Read 3748 times)

I would help you but I was de-admined for no apparent reason. I have muted SamPD some times before, he's a prick.

That moment when your brother makes a post using your account. Locking this thread.

In before the lock!

Just kidding you can't lock in drama.

Well, i'll let the flamewar continue.

Do I have the ability to remove it?

No. Also, don't use the brother excuse. It never works.

It's not an excuse. You don't have to believe it.

I don't expect anyone to, it's commonly used as one.

Disliked by the blockland community because of one day.

And disliked by the community on SRH for constant stupidity.

When will it end?
Never, besides, as much as I hate it SRH is dead. I loved being stupid. (I STILL DO)

Its just a form post man . . . Clam your self.

Why have you been so uptight about everything.
How was he being uptight this post make no sense.
Also clam yourself

That moment when your brother makes a post using your account. Locking this thread.
Everyone knows this isn't what happened don't try to use this excuse.

Changed my password. You won't see anymore bs posts like this, sorry for wasting your time.

I don't think this server attracts enough drama

I don't think this server attracts enough drama

I think it steals drama from universes where they actually made sense.

Changed my password. You won't see anymore bs posts like this, sorry for wasting your time.
Umm. What?