Author Topic: What would you say at the above person's funeral?  (Read 4721 times)

His transplanted heart was incompatible

name too long did not fit on tombstone
I guess you could say. He was. Lego Laddy.
Best dinosaur award.

Because dinosaurs are dead...

uuugghhh markey pls
no more awesome lego stop motion videos
Ugh you guys ruined my pun.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 07:05:10 PM by Superbro11 »

i dont know who this guy was. rip

He was a good little niglet.

His signatures were always quite, well, you see...

"You Met With a Terrible Fate Haven't you?"

You were a flying disc thingy


how did i get to a funeral of a countrry?

he never knew where he was, i assume he was drunk