Author Topic: Watch Dogs Face and Decal  (Read 14666 times)

I saw a few attempts to make this and I just felt like doing one too, I made this for Superbro11 which made a suggestion topic for it

Download the Face
Download the Decal
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 12:12:53 AM by Filipe »

this is what happens when you go super bada lightning mode

Nice, it's 10000x better than mine!

blew my attempt out of the water, jesus.

gg 11/10

Not your best work.

Expect a video on my channel.

Not your best work.
I rarely make faces and decals, it wasn't even supposed to be my best work anyway.

this is awesome filipe!
Not your best work.

Not your best work.

Let's see you try to make a better one.

Let's see you try to make a better one.

Don't take it the wrong way as if I'm trying to bash his work, I was just giving my opinion. I will give it my own go though.

The Vehicle in the Background?

This is impressive, Filipe.