Author Topic: time capsule  (Read 131476 times)

future me:
if you still haven't drawn anything I will personally rip your loving testicles off


Also in the future who gets elected? Ik I suck at this game

Wait, you can't bump a thread that's more than a year old, right?

can I loving

I just want to play videogames dammit I don't even have school until next week

and I cant play the new games because I'm in the middle of a move so I'm waiting for desktop to be shipped


dear me, I am a loving friend laying in bed

dear me in the future, are you still a loving friend?
yes I am nothings been going well this week

dear me in the future, what

dear me

hope you got better at computers and designing things for electronics projects

love you too

don't get frisky punk.

also, side note to future me: insult freek

Dear future me,
grow a pair, thanks.

i still suck ass

dear future me:
what's the most high end game you've played

well i mean i've played fallout 4 but it barely runs at all

16 chunk render distance on heavily modded minecraft tho

dear future me:
what's the most advanced program you've made in c++

dear me

make something thats loving great already ok? like a game or something. Maybe stop doing that procrastination thing and dedicate yourself to something for a change?

-past me

ya i have and ferdinand is cool

dear me,

why is everyone in this thread so cheesy

love, me

dear me

i'm beginning to suspect that foxscotch has a taste for gouda

-past me

dear me

i'm beginning to suspect that foxscotch has a taste for gouda

-past me
looks like foxscotch has

goud taste

hahahahahah never tried gouda cheese hahhahah