Author Topic: Space Colony Omega [Free Download!]  (Read 2832 times)

A space colony build for a project that I never got to finish, as the inside of the center and some other details are not done. I'm releasing it here so people may use it for space city role plays, or tdm, zombie survivals, or other stuff. I was going to use it for a large scale role-play, and I may finish it one day: but until then, here you go.


Put .BLS in saves folder, and the zip folders in the add-ons folder:
Comes with three different saves: one with three of the four doors open, one with all doors open, and one with the resources on the outside so you can duplicate the doors in yourself. Recommended that you set your max duplication bricks to 20,000 when duplicating in the doors.

--Da Piks--

Yep, over 180,000 bricks of large.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 09:37:08 AM by Deadzone »

This is... oh my god... wow

I love this

holy stuff that's huge

Wow! i wanted something like this! very good!!

Wow! i wanted something like this! very good!!
Please, please do something with this. I'm tired of it sitting in my saves folder un-used. lol

that's really sweet yo

Holy stuff deadzone. I was there with you when we were building that.
good times.

Please, please do something with this. I'm tired of it sitting in my saves folder un-used. lol
I agree
Sylvanor, you should take this build and add on to it. Its too epic to go unfinished, and the inside could use some detail

ohhhh myyyy gooooddd

This is beautiful!
Could be used for a space rp.
Or a cool horror game mode with aliens. (I saw Aliens Isolation then this, made my day.)

I agree
Sylvanor, you should take this build and add on to it. Its too epic to go unfinished, and the inside could use some detail
If he doesn't, I might try to make stuff in it, but it will take a while. :c


thats really huge, i cant wait to see what people make out of this