Author Topic: In-N-Out Burger Joint  (Read 1667 times)

I got really bored and decided to go onto a city build server at 1 in the morning.

The server had no brick mods whatsoever and it only had the default colorset. I then challenged myself to make a restaurant using these limited resources--and I chose my personal favorite fast food joint, In-N-Out.

Here's a link to the album because it's 7 AM and I don't want to embed images

The exterior is based off of the In-N-Out we have here in Tucson. Yes, I realize I'm missing the crossing palm trees, I'll add that in later

Feel free to rate, I guess...

I know the big In-N-Out sign looks absolutely stuffty, but it's the best I could do with the default brick set.

ugh, i need to get to bed.

Inside pictures?

Those are coming later, I forgot to mention that the inside is completely unfurnished and the ceiling is bland for now

I'll do that probably after I get some sleep

wheres the drive thru

are you expecting people to drive their cars inside the store then drive out huhhh

think of the americans

just default bricks?

think of the americans

Isn't In-N-Out an American chain?

wheres the drive thru
i had space for a drive thru, but then someone complained i was using too big of a lot. i'll add that in on my own server

just default bricks?
yeah, do you know how many times i redid that logo? and i'm still not happy with it