Author Topic: How to: drama  (Read 7994 times)

And just like that, Snaked derails the drama thread.
Nice prediction AdinX!
...uh, espio came out of loving nowhere and started instigating
that hardly calls as him derailing it
Are you necessary?
you're just kind of insulting him out of nowhere, snaked hasn't derailed a topic on his own for like 4 months
it's always been someone instigating

also oh stuff now i'm derailing it

it's always been someone instigating
You've got a point there, Adin.

It's not that Snake derails
It's that he says something excruciatingly pointless and then people jump on him for it every time, and he never learns.

because this isnt a contest to have some perfect looking drama thread

post a thread on who is being a twit with a few pics and thats the end of it. no need to turn this into an einstein project. frankly i find these 'professionally organised' drama threads annoying as hell to read.
what crawled up your ass and died? Nobody was treating this like a competition, I did this in my free time in the hope that it would help the community. Nobody is getting any fame out of this. A "professionally organized" drama upsets you? You're kidding right?

You'd rather have to spend 10 minutes just trying to understand the drama, rather than being able to immediately find the information you were looking for?

This is great, but there needs to be a chapter explaining how to reply to dramas so people (like me) don't end up derailing the tread accidentally, or have people reply with walls and roofs of text.
Stay on topic, go easy on the jokes (limit yourself to one per thread, two at most), avoid pointing people out, If you're going to make a wall of text break it up into paragraphs by idea. Walls of text typically end up being the big fights, and typically they're the more organized ones. I don't recall seeing a wall of text having a ban message, but if you slip in a statement like "I'm a troll" without any sort of statement that you're NOT a troll, then I guess you could be in line for a perma.

I think posting is pretty straight forward to be honest. That, and there are just too many opinions and ways to say what we intend to say, it would just end up being really complex trying to explain it all.

And just like that, Snaked derails the drama thread.
Nice prediction AdinX!
How have I even derailed?

How have I even derailed?
stop posting right now
get out
you're derailing RIGHT now with THAT post.

stop posting right now
get out
you're derailing RIGHT now with THAT post.
Instead of being an ass, why not ask nicely?

Instead of being an ass, why not ask nicely?
SHUT THE forget UP

what crawled up your ass and died? Nobody was treating this like a competition, I did this in my free time in the hope that it would help the community. Nobody is getting any fame out of this. A "professionally organized" drama upsets you? You're kidding right?
[i mg width=400][/img]
You'd rather have to spend 10 minutes just trying to understand the drama, rather than being able to immediately find the information you were looking for?
wow so far youve handled everything well. being aggressive towards people. trying to start debates and fights. acting as if this thread is congress. being disrespectful towards your peers. well done. i was able to pin point the reason you made this thread. not to help but to have something to cry about and a chance at not getting banned. well done again. almost had me fooled for a second.

im sorry i do not agree with your thread but the smell of try hard is unbearable.

Instead of being an ass, why not ask nicely?


Please stop posting, troll.

Please stop posting, troll.
snaked isnt trolling, hes legit that dumb lol

snaked isnt trolling, hes legit that dumb lol
Instead of being an ass, why not ask nicely?

This is beyond dumb.

This is beyond dumb.
yeah it may be, but he's not trolling.. as far as i know at least

This topic, good lord.

"Hi, I expect all the community to see this tutorial on how to make a successful drama"

Its like a "How to be safe on the internet" video.

I'm sure that you knew the reactions by the community, AdinX. Still you managed to post this good guide. I'm thanking you kindly for this topic. Really, I'm serious. This topic is very informative. The only problem I see with this is, that not many are going to follow this and may continue to post "bad" drama topics. Still, thanks for this nice topic.

Hopefully this should start to clean up Drama.

This doesn't really belong in Drama.