Author Topic: tezuni supercreeper server  (Read 1880 times)

we all know tezuni, hes badically EA in blockland user form, he has at least 3 servers (that i know of) and of those servers, the supercreeper is the worst by FAR.


i just saw 2 people frolicing around while spraying eachothers faces,

this is just atroucious, the map selection didnt work, i just have never seen something this bad hosted on blockland before, i would have forgiven this if it was someone like me who dosnt know jack-stuff about doing server stuff in blockland but im sure i could have a FUNCTIONING MAP ROTATION IF I LOOKED UP A WIKI-HOW, im ranting, im gonna watch one of filipes videos.

10/10, best critique yet - IGN

the next totalbiscuit right here folks

This is a small problem with Super Creeper. The map rotation isn't the most stable, so often you'll have to actually visit the server and "activate" the mod with /setmap to get it to start.

This is a small problem with Super Creeper. The map rotation isn't the most stable, so often you'll have to actually visit the server and "activate" the mod with /setmap to get it to start.
That should be a really easy fix.

That should be a really easy fix.
There's no reason to fix anything that tezuni uses.

This reminds me of when his Rising Lava had player jets.

This reminds me of when his Rising Lava had player jets.
seriously? lol

This reminds me of when his Rising Lava had player jets.
are you serious

why so many dislikes
Because people are fruit bowls with nothing else better to do.

Wrong Section, this goes to the Fail Bin.

why so many dislikes

The video was probably discovered by Tezunites.