Author Topic: (Terminated!)New Server Hosting Service!  (Read 2071 times)

The latency to you people in the UK was insane, So I am Shutting down because of this, Shoutout to Outpact for being the lone supporter!

Hey all, I would absolutely love to start a server host for you guys, and see how it goes. At first I will give 2 slots (FREE!) and see how it goes! This is a trial period as I live in Japan, so pings may be very high and it may render servers unplayable. But for now, PM for slots and your FTP accounts, First 2 get servers! Please don't bother messaging if you cannot edit the server prefs on your own without GUI!

Anything you want via FTP
Default mods

Hardware and Network
How many GB of memory?                                              8GB
How much HDD/SSD space do you have?                    ~82GB 7200rpm non-OS HDD
What CPU and what is it clocked at?                  AMD Phenom x6 1100T 3.9GHz max
What speeds are your internet?                                   20mb down 5mb up
How do you plan to make the panel?                             Depends if this works out well
FTP? SSH?                                                                       FTP
Service Cap?                                                                   Yes, 500GB/Month

Server Power

SERVER_2 Working! UP! User:Outpact

Other Notes
This service is only for a trial period of 1 week, and could be terminated prematurely!
If this service succeeds, then more accounts will be added, and users will be charged $2 monthly if they want to continue the service!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 11:03:23 AM by Lethal Legoman »

Post your server networking and data processing speeds.

Post your server networking and data processing speeds.
I can take a online speedtest for networking, but you also want harddrive speeds?

How many GB of memory
How much HDD/SSD space do you have
What CPU and what is it clocked at
What speeds are your internet
How do you plan to make the panel?

How many GB of memory?                                              8GB
How much HDD/SSD space do you have?                    ~82GB 7200rpm non-OS HDD
What CPU and what is it clocked at?                  AMD Phenom x6 1100T 3.9GHz max
What speeds are your internet?                                   20mb down 5mb up
How do you plan to make the panel?                             Depends if this works out well
FTP? SSH?                                                                       FTP
Service Cap?                                                                   Yes, 500GB/Month
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 11:31:21 AM by Lethal Legoman »

20mb down and 5mb is only enough for a couple (I'd say 3/4 max) Blockland servers.
82GB is tiny, but Blockland is tiny so I mean that's alright. 8GB is good for 8 servers.

20mb down and 5mb is only enough for a couple (I'd say 3/4 max) Blockland servers.
82GB is tiny, but Blockland is tiny so I mean that's alright. 8GB is good for 8 servers.
So how do I get started to let people host, the FTP part isn't hard, but how do they run the process?

So how do I get started to let people host, the FTP part isn't hard, but how do they run the process?

What OS is your server using?

What OS is your server using?
I can go linux (Ubuntu LXDE window manager 200 mb of ram used) or Win7 (1.5gb of ram used)

So how do I get started to let people host, the FTP part isn't hard, but how do they run the process?
Blockland.exe ptlaaxmwbroe (forget i spelt that wrong but you can look it up) -dedicated
People will need to do setKey("there-key-here"); in order to make it their server. If they go it off of steam then they are screwed. To make a new blockland folder open the blockland launcher with the arguments -profilePath C:\Path\To\New\Folder\

On further note I see most Users censoring that command, so I will refrain from posting
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 12:39:08 PM by Lethal Legoman »

Sure I'd love to have a hosting :)

On further note I see most Users censoring that command, so I will refrain from posting

Blockland.exe ptlaaxmwbroe (forget i spelt that wrong but you can look it up) -dedicated
People will need to do setKey("there-key-here"); in order to make it their server. If they go it off of steam then they are screwed. To make a new blockland folder open the blockland launcher with the arguments -profilePath C:\Path\To\New\Folder\

just for further note. I am pretty sure you aren't supposed to post the launching option that bypasses the Launcher

ptlaaxmwbroe (forget i spelt that wrong but you can look it up)

just for further note. I am pretty sure you aren't supposed to post the launching option that bypasses the Launcher
There's no reason to make a big deal about it. Everyone that needs to know already knows it and everyone that doesn't has no idea what to do with it anyways.

There's no reason to make a big deal about it. Everyone that needs to know already knows it and everyone that doesn't has no idea what to do with it anyways.
Good point it took me a good 2 minutes to figure it out though.