Author Topic: Terrain bricks?  (Read 1510 times)

I know terrain bricks are already a thing, but i dont mean those. I mean bricks like the old terrain. Im asking if it would be possible to have bricks like that, more rounded, and stuff. Modter is neat-o and all but not exactly what i mean. I saw a brick like this today and thought "hey, if they can do that, cant they also do other things like that with a special brick? Once again, just asking if its possible, not asking someone to do it.

The tree is a static shape. Terrain is its own thing.

You also can't have terrain as a static shape, because concave collision meshes don't work right.

You also can't have terrain as a static shape, because concave collision meshes don't work right.

You'll wait and see..

When will a magic scripter come out of no where and make old maps compatible with new Blockland maps?

When will a magic scripter come out of no where and make old maps compatible with new Blockland maps?
Never. It's not that easy.

Wrapperup tried. The main issue it had was no raycast, but there was a possibility importing the maps into .dts, but will cause many issues.

The tree is a static shape. Terrain is its own thing.

You also can't have terrain as a static shape, because concave collision meshes don't work right.
However, if you had a bunch of smaller terrain pieces that were visually mostly convex with the exception of some small divets, with a convex collision mesh, there would be no issue. What would be even better is if they could be placed inside of one another. Combining many separate convex meshes to create a larger terrain "mesh" should work just fine. Someone just has to be willing to put in the effor to make such a thing and make it look good.
i always thought of making large terrain as separate bricks but split into multiple pieces like a puzzle and you can load them together w/ load feature and save as a bls

also is there maybe a way to make bricks without them showing in the brick list? because that could help even more

You'll wait and see..

Too late, already done :)

and my fav
images were linked bc they are big and im lazy to resize them

The problem?
No raycasting.

It has no raycasting because on the concave faces the collision meah has. BL doesn't like it.
You can walk on it and put bots on it just fine however.

i was gonna say use it for skiing but then realized vehicles collide through raycasting :((

i was gonna say use it for skiing but then realized vehicles collide through raycasting :((
I don't really get why.

There's no perfect way to re-implement map-like features. You can get it to some degree, but there will probably always be a p significant drawback to whatever method you use.

Modter actually plays pretty well with vehicles, but it does obviously require some extra work. I think it'd be much better to develop some tools to create modter builds more easily than to try remaking terrain entirely.

I think it'd be much better to develop some tools to create modter builds more easily than to try remaking terrain entirely.

This add on allows you to plant floating bricks, which I use when I'm building with modter (mainly for speedkart tracks):
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 09:00:28 PM by Farad »