Author Topic: Day Cycle Announcements  (Read 6540 times)

The chat is spammed with "The day is..." on all daycycle times over 1000
Are you sure? I set the daycycle time to 0 (making the days go really fast), and got to things above 1000, and then slowed it down. Nothing went wrong. Maybe it's something on your end.
First year is 2000
Upon month overflow (new year), a second message is sent: "Happy new year!"
Okay, I'll add Prefs for that later, but not RTB prefs, since I have no idea how to do them.
Please add events.
What kind of events? Like "onNewDay"?

And to all of you Europeans, im working on it lol. ill do prefs that you have to do with console until i figure out how to do RTB prefs since theres like no documentation anymore.

What kind of events? Like "onNewDay"?
Yes, and "onMorning" and "onDay" "onAfternoon" and "onNight"

i thought it was going to be

i thought it was going to be

Lol. ill add custom messages i guess. would that be cool?

until i figure out how to do RTB prefs since theres like no documentation anymore.


%name - The name
%cat - Category, keep this the same so all the prefs are grouped together
%pref - The global variable youre using, must start with $pref::  , $ not needed.
%varType - Similar to the list thing when creating output events.
Code: [Select]
Integer: int [min] [max]
Lists: list [name0] [returnNum0] [name1] [returnNum1] [name2] [returnNum2] .... [nameN] [ReturnNumN]     (There's probably a limit for this)
Bool: bool
Integer list: intList
Datablock?: datablock TYPE
String: string CHARACTERS
Vector?: vector
Paint?: paintColor 0 (not sure if 0 does anything, or if its even required for RTB)
(Not sure if the ones marked with ? exist for RTB)

%mod - Name of the add-on. I don't think this ever had any effect, but if someone makes a new pref management mod they might use this.
%default - The default value for the pref. For list use the return number.
%requiresRestart - If true, then an asterisk is put after the pref name, which indicates to player that they should restart. Afaik it doesn't do anything else.
%hostOnly - If true, only host can modify
%callback - The function to call when the pref is updated. Eg, in hatmod I call the function that saves hats when the pref for save file name is changed so that the file is instantly created and populated.

Time set: 1500
Default add-ons+this mod

Time set: 1500
Default add-ons+this mod

Oh, wow. You have to type the command then do the time. I'll add to the OP.Okay, seriously, what the hell? Torque fails to do math when the number is over 1000, you are correct. I'll fix it.
Also, what program did you use to make that gif so smooth?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 11:21:16 AM by Cruxeis »

What kind of events? Like "onNewDay"?

Yes.  If you can do that Lugnut will love you.

Edit: I will love you too.

Also, what program did you use to make that gif so smooth?
Using AVS Video Editor, you can export videos as GIFs.

Then, use this website which lets you upload large sized GIF images.

Update to v1.5:
  • Fixed bug where day length couldn't be over 1000 seconds

just make commands like

/setyear 1234
/setmonth 6
/setday 15

Is there anyway that you could make a birthday system?

How it works:

You can choose one date for your user's birthday which will be announced to all players on the day of birth. This date cannot be changed.

/setbday day month

Can this have a bottom print of "\c6It is \c3DD\c6/\c3MM\c6/\c3YYYY\c6 at \c3HH\c6:\c3MM\c6."