Author Topic: Secret zombie of secrets  (Read 819 times)

Working on a project to get back in to the grove of blockland

I made it blocky on purpose and the map is probably going to be 3x bigger then what it is now if not more.

Basic Idea

I was going for a more left 4 dead styled Gameplay but probably a little more hardcore. Events will trigger spawning zombies from every direction you might even have to hold down a shop for a while in until the a horde passes.  I'm also making this map very very dark so players will have to organize on who will be carrying what equipment such as medical supplies lights weapons etc.

 I hoped to make a zombie survival straying away from Dayz since a lot of people are doing that right now.


Tease haha


Gunny bae we haven't talked in forever. Also back to your zombie stuffs I see.

Will it be top-down and first person like the one you did 3-4 years ago?

Gunny bae we haven't talked in forever. Also back to your zombie stuffs I see.

Will it be top-down and first person like the one you did 3-4 years ago?

Probably not I switched to a new computer and lost everything haha