
Would you want to rule the world?

Voter is lame.

Author Topic: If you ruled the world...  (Read 991 times)

If you ruled the world, what one forumer would you promote to your right hand man.  What forumer would you execute first?

Morningstar would be my right hand man.  Nobody I really want to execute right now, but that'll probably change.

First executed is kompresser to avenge the bedroom
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 06:22:52 PM by Plethora »

me and destroyer would rule a fair and just world, but we know who would really be callin the shots...

electrk would be my right hand man. we'd both know who would be executed first

It would just be me with the world made in my image.

Right Hand Man: Couatla
Executed First: Satan from Wreck-it-Ralph / any other ID discriminators.
I'd also shut down 4chan because cancerous forgetwads.

Right Hand Man: Yosher
Execute: Plethora, because you created this thread that made me world leader thus you are above me, and thus you must die. No hard feelings.

Right hand man: Steve5451
Execute: Stuck between Furdle/Stocking

I would make Sir Dooble my right hand man.

Furdle will be executed.

Right hand man, Planr

to be executed: Zeblote

Right hand man, My right hand.

Everyone will be executed.

Badspot would be my right hand man.

Emofreak would get executed.

Furdle will be executed.
omg no u said im going 2 die first im so offended

Grow up with your pathetic attempts to offend me.

Right Hand Man: Couatla

I would kill everyone except like really smart people. Of course I would force them to create a machine and plug my conscious into that

Right hand man: Cool Boi
First to be executed: Kearn