Author Topic: What to do with $120?  (Read 2070 times)

speaking of what to do with money, I have 200+ dollars wat do

speaking of what to do with money, I have 200+ dollars wat do
yall kids always seem to be needin' someone to front cash durin' the steam sales. why not save it until then, pal?

note: i dont kno if u ever asked for steam games, sorry if im unhelpful. downvote me or whatever ya kids do.

the titan is like a workstation gpu
and? doesnt stop it from kicking other gpu ass

Save the money. Continue doing this until you've got $5000. Get it into a Roth IRA as soon as you can. Wait some years 'til you're older. Be a millionaire. ;)

Save it, then buy a gun. And be a master blaster.

if you have a car, give it some love, or save it

speaking of what to do with money, I have 200+ dollars wat do
Why dont you just save it until you find something you want to buy?

jack off then leave


i'm sorry did you post in the right thread because this seems irrelevant

donate it to aids research or something gay like that