Author Topic:  (Read 13547 times)

Now it's going.

Too bad the screen isn't more real time, it's pretty entertaining watching the cursor jitter uncontrollably about the screen.

since i assume this is safe, how would one go about uploading bonzi buddy

Now it's going.

Too bad the screen isn't more real time, it's pretty entertaining watching the cursor jitter uncontrollably about the screen.
It can get real time if you install teamviewer portable, you'll just have to stop all the forkbombs and stuff from getting through lol.

how the hell do you even do this its just showing me a picture of the screen and i cant even upload anything

how the hell do you even do this its just showing me a picture of the screen and i cant even upload anything
link is in the (small) sidebar, posted here for your convenience

SOMEONE UPLOADED SKIFREE (mind the "lemaymay 'virus'")
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 01:33:30 AM by eboyblue10 »

"your computer may be at risk"

no, im pretty sure its fine

"guys let's play nothing because i don't have the ram"


someone's running nsfw sites on node8 don't look
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 01:49:00 AM by eboyblue10 »

Someone meatspinned node2 a few minutes ago.

Node5 seems to be hung.

I swear to god the LeMayMay.exe spam has to stop

trying to get teamviewer on a node
come oooon

trying to get teamviewer on a node
come oooon

You're supposed to get the Quick Support version

You're supposed to get the Quick Support version
aaa i loving hate your avatar i keep thinking you're badspot
why isn't this avatar-bannable

aaa i loving hate your avatar i keep thinking you're badspot
why isn't this avatar-bannable
badspot has changed his avatar
You're supposed to get the Quick Support version
yeah i know
i got it working