Author Topic: /Ty maliciously abusing SA to drive people away  (Read 3974 times)

First off Dannu, I hope you had your fun hosting a cityrpg. Secondly, you can't even prove I did anything -_-. Yes, I missed with some players yesterday, but I didn't crash your server. So you might want to look in your console log.
Welp, he's guilty.

Setro, this whole thing was already discussed on our forums, just because you can't prove your innocence there, doesn't mean you should spread mis-information here for the forum post

Smooth's City RPG is corrupt and so are all of his admins, even Dannu, which is why he has no place to talk. I'll tell you the story.
SimpleOS and I were long-time players on the server. I'll cut to the chase. I was creating fake server join messages and, since the server had the player join sound and playsound for the entire mini-game, I used it.  Then, another admin of lower rank (A when Dannu was SA) discovered the trigger brick. I put the events on one of SimpleOS' bricks. And, without any thought, he bans SimpleOS. No proof of him clicking it. Literally anyone with his trust could event it and do that. So, I had to admit to me actually writing the events to get him unbanned. And as punishment, he demods me. And carelessly, he leaves the events on the bricks. Me, thinking they removed them, didn't worry much. Then, a player somehow knew the trigger brick and comes over and clicks it, about 5 minutes after it happened. Again, with no proof of someone doing it, he blames me and does all of the following:
-Clears all of my bricks (he reloads them later after I argued with him a while)
-Clears my entire record (all my 80k money, job xp, everything.) He claims he didn't do this but I can't believe him.
And then ty creates a function to have me get kicked from the server everytime someone does /setro. Even non-admins.
On another note, SimpleOS, who is probably the only one you can trust on the server, drops by my server and tells me that Dannu duplicated his build and claimed it as his own. SimpleOS and I have known each other for about a week, and he would never lie to me.
So I don't know if I should support Dannu or not- Ty was pretty abusive with eval, while Dannu is dishonest.
Setro seriously stop whining that you got banned.

the TL;DR version of his post was that he made fake joining/leaving messages with sounds by abusing a glitch in the minigame events that were on the server to make it look like someone had entered the server, said something and left.

He eventually admitted to it, and long story short he got permabanned and is now pissed because he thinks (and this is in his own words) that he should not be punished because he admitted to doing it.

I was creating fake server join messages and, since the server had the player join sound and playsound for the entire mini-game, I used it.

It probably would've been the smarter move on their behalf to just ban you, considering your track record with spamming :/


Dannu never stole any builds from me, I was talking about someone else, but he was inattentive as ever banning me because it's my brick.
Most admins at Smooth's CRPG don't pay attention at all. I'm one of those actually decent admins. Dannu agreed with this. These admins shouldn't have been admined on the server anyway because they usually haven't helped the community at all, or they are just straight-down no attention people.

about 5 minutes after it happened. Again, with no proof of someone doing it, he blames me and does all of the following:
-Clears all of my bricks (he reloads them later after I argued with him a while)
-Clears my entire record (all my 80k money, job xp, everything.) He claims he didn't do this but I can't believe him.
And then ty creates a function to have me get kicked from the server everytime someone does /setro. Even non-admins.
On another note, SimpleOS, who is probably the only one you can trust on the server, drops by my server and tells me that Dannu duplicated his build and claimed it as his own. SimpleOS and I have known each other for about a week, and he would never lie to me.
So I don't know if I should support Dannu or not- Ty was pretty abusive with eval, while Dannu is dishonest.
Ty is abusive and a bitch. We found this out when he attempted to DDoS the server. End of story there.
Dannu's got better at being SA, and everything is going swell there.

I think Setro should be unbanned entirely.

It is your choice to come back or not.

Dannu never stole any builds from me, I was talking about someone else, but he was inattentive as ever banning me because it's my brick.
Most admins at Smooth's CRPG don't pay attention at all. I'm one of those actually decent admins. Dannu agreed with this. These admins shouldn't have been admined on the server anyway because they usually haven't helped the community at all, or they are just straight-down no attention people.
Fortunately no harm was done by the admittedly wrongful ban that Dannu made, but none of it invalidates anything in OP. /Ty has a history of abuse, putting backdoors in his addons and then trying to sell it for actual money.

He got permabanned for doing it and since this server had him as super admin they payed the unfortunate price. /Ty is still a gigantic starfish.

Smooth's City RPG is corrupt and so are all of his admins, even Dannu, which is why he has no place to talk. I'll tell you the story.
SimpleOS and I were long-time players on the server. I'll cut to the chase. I was creating fake server join messages and, since the server had the player join sound and playsound for the entire mini-game, I used it.  Then, another admin of lower rank (A when Dannu was SA) discovered the trigger brick. I put the events on one of SimpleOS' bricks. And, without any thought, he bans SimpleOS. No proof of him clicking it. Literally anyone with his trust could event it and do that. So, I had to admit to me actually writing the events to get him unbanned. And as punishment, he demods me. And carelessly, he leaves the events on the bricks. Me, thinking they removed them, didn't worry much. Then, a player somehow knew the trigger brick and comes over and clicks it, about 5 minutes after it happened. Again, with no proof of someone doing it, he blames me and does all of the following:
-Clears all of my bricks (he reloads them later after I argued with him a while)
-Clears my entire record (all my 80k money, job xp, everything.) He claims he didn't do this but I can't believe him.
And then ty creates a function to have me get kicked from the server everytime someone does /setro. Even non-admins.
On another note, SimpleOS, who is probably the only one you can trust on the server, drops by my server and tells me that Dannu duplicated his build and claimed it as his own. SimpleOS and I have known each other for about a week, and he would never lie to me.
So I don't know if I should support Dannu or not- Ty was pretty abusive with eval, while Dannu is dishonest.

how come every single one of your stories end up with you doing something a troll would do and then you get punished and then you think "wtf i did not deserve that even though i was being a loving idiot"