Author Topic: JOUST OFF 1310  (Read 2123 times)


My building is kinda rusty but I tried.

A tiny bit inspired by the Worms 4 Mayhem\Ultimate Mayhem level "Joust About It".

Download save

Has slayer spawns/vehicles because I made it for Tezuni's contest.

Feel free to rate out of 10.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 08:17:50 PM by TeeOS »

i feel like the terrain could be a little more interesting and mixed

other than that top notch

Would be great as a gamemode.

Seems a bit bland, needs more detail. Possibly put a barrier between the stands and the bloodshed.
Would be great as a gamemode.

I love the style, it's cute :)

op has always been a very skilled builder

mmh mhh i like it! 7/10

op has always been a very skilled builder


Would be great as a gamemode.

Maybe, but would it be a tournament style joust-off (not a bad idea) or would it be like it currently is (spectator teams, everyone has weapons, two horses)

Seems a bit bland, needs more detail. Possibly put a barrier between the stands and the bloodshed.
i feel like the terrain could be a little more interesting and mixed
other than that top notch

Alright, working on it.

This is how it looks now, how is it? Terrain has only changed a bit though.

Get the NEW version here if you want it.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 08:49:35 PM by TeeOS »