Author Topic: ablockofcheese's "art" thread - taking requests  (Read 1853 times)

i bring you my finest

took a long time like 2 minutes
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 12:09:39 AM by ABlockOfCheese »

do you want me to draw you

be brave my daughter

I've never seen anything more beautiful or stunning than this picture, the pure emotion and expression driving this scene forward is possibly more stunning and subtle than any of the artists on this forum. As I look upon the face of this person, I feel amazed by how amazingly subtle it is, I can just barely see the anger coming out of the man's face, during his moment of climax. As he stands there wondering what has happened to him and what had brought him to doing this thing, he is obviously troubled, and the detailed story behind this picture is killing me slowly. I'll never see another good picture after this, so I must go off and commit Self Delete, for there is nothing else worth living.

Thank you, ABlockOfCheese. Thank you so much.

-Lady Sevacre
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 11:25:10 PM by Lady Sevacre »

is that...


...on your head?

is that...


...on your head?
string cheese

it gives my barber hell

anything is a love toy if you're brave enough

can you draw my oc
there ya go

anything is a love toy if you're brave enough
truer words have never before been spoken